Meeting Dates

The next RMSG meeting is December 4 & 5, 2024 in Bismarck, ND
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Ask about sponsorships!

December 4-5, 2024

Bismarck, ND
Thank you for supporting the Rocky Mountain Suppliers Group. The meeting will be held at the Radisson Hotel in Bismarck, ND. Please register before November 1st to receive a $50 Early Bird registration discount as a thank you for helping us have accurate banquet catering counts.
Register Online

The Rocky Mountain Suppliers Group meets twice a year in May and December. RMSG meetings are held concurrently with Rocky Mountain Master Mechanics Association (RMMMA) meetings. Vendors interested in attending meetings must submit a registration form with the required membership dues. Please download the registration form for details on the next RMSG meeting.

If paying registration dues with a credit card please use the RMSG website to register online. If paying by check, please download the registration document on the website and mail in your registration form and check. The RMSG is unable to accept credit card payments via postal mail.

The meeting cost is $200 but if you register prior to the November 1st cutoff date you will get an early bird discount of $50.

Register & Pay Online Now

Register Online

Book A Discounted Room Online

Special Room Rate Information: $109 December 4-5, 2024 -  (rate cannot be guaranteed past deadline)
Special Booking URL:

Book A Room Online with Special Group Discount


Meeting Downloads

December 2024 Meeting Agenda - COMING SOON


Wednesday – 12/04/24

  • Registration – 7 am to 2 pm
  • Opening Reception – 4 to 6 pm

Thursday – 12/05/24

  • RMSG Business Meeting – 3:30 to 5 pm
  • Cocktail Hour – 6 to 7 pm
  • Banquet – 7 to 9 pm

Meeting Location Information

Radisson Hotel Bismarck
605 E. Broadway Avenue, Bismarck, ND, 58501
Hotel Reservations: (701) 712-6475
Mention RMSG or Rocky Mountain Master Mechanics for special room rates.

RMSG Meeting FAQ

1. How do I get the RMSG Special Hotel Rate
To get the special RMSG discounted hotel rate call the Radisson Hotel Bismarck at (701) 712-6475 by the cut off date and ask for the RMSG special rate.
2. How can I sponsor the reception?
During the Opening Reception on Wednesday from 4-6 pm suppliers may host a table to display company information for $100.
3. What time does the RMSG meeting start?
RMSG Pre-registration is on Wednesday from 7am- 2pm. All RMSG members are welcome to attend the Opening Reception from 4 – 6 pm. The RMSG business meeting is on Thursday at 3:30 pm, all RMSG members are encouraged to attend.
4. Do I need to be a RMSG member to attend?
Yes! Only members may attend the RMSG meetings & banquets or to be a presenter. The annual company cost is $200 per year.
5. Can I get a refund if I cannot attend?
If you are registered and unable to attend the banquet after the cut off date, no credit or refunds may be given.
6. Can I still register after the cut off date?
Yes. Registering by the cut off date will provide you with a $50 early bird discount and ensures that we can include your company info on print materials.
7. How can I become a presenter?
If you are interested in presenting at one of the RMMMA meetings, please contact Jim Rosene by emailing You may also contact any of the RMSG board members and we will send the information to the appropriate person
8. What other sponsorship options are there?
Your company may also offer sponsorship of lunch, breaks, lanyards, banquet wine, or door prizes during the convention, please contact Chris Rhodes at (307) 299-1792 for details and pricing.